Arquivo mensal: maio de 2012

Getting Better: 200 Years of Medicine

This 45-minute documentary explores three remarkable stories of medical progress that have taken place over the course of the long history of NEJM.  In 1812, we had no understanding of infectious disease, surgery was unsanitary and performed without anesthesia, and cancer was unrecognized. Two centuries later, this film tells the story of […]

Two Hundred Years of Surgery (NEJM)

Surgery is a profession defined by its authority to cure by means of bodily invasion. The brutality and risks of opening a living person’s body have long been apparent, the benefits only slowly and haltingly worked out. Nonetheless, over the past two centuries, surgery has become radically more effective, and […]

MdCalc ((( This is a site for medical professionals to help us do calculations and process algorithms and scores. To make patients better. Faster. You can access the full list through the navigation bars, or, preferably, through the search menu.

Curso de eletrocardiograma

InCor-HCFMUSP realiza curso inovador sobre Interpretação de Eletrocardiografia Com recursos de computação gráfica 3D é possível entender em pouco tempo os principais aspectos do ECG O que antes demorava horas para ser compreendido, agora pode ser entendido em poucos minutos. Este é um dos diferenciais do 16º Curso Anual de […]